JSDAI v4.0.0 is released

Submitted by andrius.velykis on Thu, 01/19/2006 - 17:06

JSDAI v4 provides an Integrated Development Environment by integrating JSDAI with Eclipse platform.

Integration of Express Compiler, ExpressDoc and other tools provides a convenient way of working with EXPRESS schemas.

Moreover, JSDAI v4.0.0 features a new plugin for Eclipse - JSDAI Express-G Editor for creating and editing Express-G diagrams.

[read more about JSDAI plugins for Eclipse]

JSDAI v4.0.0 enhances and improves existing JSDAI Core elements: JSDAI Runtime, JSDAI-DB, SdaiEdit and more.

[read more about changes in JSDAI Core]

The standalone version - JSDAI v4.0.0 Evaluation Package is available for download. Also, use http://eclipse.jsdai.net as your Eclipse update site for Eclipse plugins.